
If you have experienced the beauty of our traditional arts consider making a donation to support our work. A small donation by you can help us to bring happiness to a community of underprivileged children, provide livelihood to impoverished artist communities and enable events that showcase traditional art forms.
Sponsor/ Support a dance workshop in a school or organizations that work with underprivileged children.

3 hour fun workshop to introduce children to traditional dance forms. They are taught
basic movement vocabulary, followed by a practice session with live music. They learn
to appreciate the connection of dance to rhythm and learn the way communication is
done through movement.
Sponsor/Support a Naachati -Nachaati Kahani session
A delightful story telling session: – Just the way it was prescribed in the Natyashashtra2000 years ago ! Vachikam and Angikam… Live music and speech with movement. We do our own scripted stories especially to create awareness and educate children on heritage, and themes connected to socially relevant issues or to the environment. The sessions conclude with an interactive conversation on the theme, doing a worksheet
and learning some elements of story-telling the dance way.
Support the making and distribution of KHUSHIYON KI JHOLI educational kits
A gift of joy for the children and provides employment to artist communities in need of work. Inspired by Our CSR project with GAIL (India) Ltd, where, educational kits called Khusiyon Ka Pitaara were created for Covid awareness using the narrative power of traditional art forms and distributed to underprivileged children. These contain a delightfully written and illustrated story book, a workbook, a hand painted pencil box by traditional artisans and a board game. All components are
created using eco-friendly materials that aim to educate and entertain.

Performances, lectures, seminars, exhibitions…all the events that we organize,aim to acquaint an audience to the depths of diverse forms of art and their valuable connect to the culture of India. With your support we can make them bigger and better.
Donate Now
Note : Donation Amount is Non Refundable
Important Notice
Please note that Sudhaaya Dance Foundation does not accept foreign contribution funds. Contributions must be made from domestic accounts only. Thank you for your understanding and support.

The work of Sudhaaya, illuminates contexts and connections, takes us back to the sourceand makes us alive in the present. Through its work the foundation invites the spectator to go beyond the surface, to delve deep into a language of universal symbols and to truly participate in the rituals of art that India so generously offers.
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